Silence IS Consent

Silence IS consent.

Students Lead Efforts To Advance STEM In Puerto Rico

Today is National STEM Day. Check out how the students from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) are taking the lead in getting students in Puerto Rico excited and involved in STEM and in NASA’s human space exploration efforts.

Here’s How You Know You Need A Financial Advisor

If you are “doing the most” financially, you have to be smart and understand all of the benefits and risks associated with being a financial player. You need a good accountant that is also a financial fiduciary and adviser.

Steps For Eliminating The 4 Most Common Types Of Debt

All debt is not equal. Each type of debt requires a slightly different strategy to eliminate it. Here’s how to tackle the four most common types of debt

Here’s How To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Buck When Selling Your Home

In today’s real estate climate, bidding wars are something more and more home sellers are having to navigate. Making the wrong choice could cost you time, stress, and thousands of dollars in lost profits. Here’s how to effectively navigate the process and turn a hefty profit.

Healthy Couples Fight Frequently. Here’s How To Fight Right.

Relationship experts all agree that healthy relationships are riddled with arguments. You have two passionate and intelligent individuals with entirely different backgrounds and histories sharing the same space and having to navigate life together. Under those circumstances, arguing is inevitable.

Here Are 5 Things To Consider Before “Doing The Deed”

There are so many hidden risks and pitfalls to adding someone to the deed. Before adding a loved one to your deed, it’s important that you know your rights and fully understand how this decision can affect you.

Financial Infidelity Can Ruin Your Relationship. Here’s How To Come Clean If You’re The One Cheating

Financial infidelity is a real thing. It can ruin relationships and financially devastate families. Addressing your financial unfaithfulness starts with honesty — which is a tough and scary thing to do. Here are a few ways to come clean after financial cheating.

The Cure For Brain Fog

The most common causes of brain fog are related to nutritional and biochemical imbalances that affect the brain and central nervous system of the body, which can be easily corrected with four very simple lifestyle changes.

3 Hard Truths of Success

He silently packed his bags. Brushing past her, he walked out the door and never looked back. Stephanie fell to her knees, shaking uncontrollably as muffled sobs escaped her body. The pain was unbearable. She had two babies- the oldest was five and the youngest three. What was she going to do? She had noContinueContinue reading “3 Hard Truths of Success”

These 4 Money Challenges Could Save Your Relationship

Money challenges are the ultimate team-building activities for couples. When done correctly, they can expose areas of pain and fear, open or improve lines of communication, and help you become a more disciplined unit.

5 Reasons Why Trying To Get Rich Quick Is A Waste Of Time

Chasing quick riches and instant wealth is an exercise in futility. It’s like trying to capture a purple unicorn that lives outside of the castle just beyond the end of the rainbow; it’s impossible.